Moelogic offers support and training as a starting point for youth with academic probation, criminal records, or parents in legal trouble in order to improve their outcomes.



+ 1-800-660-2536

About Moelogic

Moelogic is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides programs and resources to at-risk youth in West Contra Costa County.

In an area, where opportunities are scarce, youth who are on academic probation, have a criminal record, or whose parents are involved in the legal system, now have an outlet where they can rise above their circumstances to climb higher.

West Contra County is a poverty-stricken area which is why we encourage youth to consider entrepreneurship as a path toward self-sufficiency.
We believe when youth are able to
realize their value, eliminate powerless language, and restore hope they can reach their potential.
Our programs provide the education and
safe environment to support their entrepreneurial journey.

Mologic Logo
Our Mission

 To provide marginalized youth with a “starting point” for economic and social advancement by offering a safe environment and education to support them on their transition to self sufficiency on their entrepreneurial journey.

                                                                                              Our Vision

 A future where all marginalized youth will have access to a safe environment and education to support their transition from starting point to building their lives with pride and purpose for the common good.

About Our Founder

DeAngelo Gallon founded Moelogic because he saw firsthand how education and environment can impact one’s life choices. Growing up in West Contra Costa County (WCCC), he and his peers were the same age, lived in the same area, but had totally different outcomes.

He lived on the side of town that afforded him to attend a school that encouraged him to thrive while his peers attended schools and lived on the side of town where surviving and staying alive was the daily goal. Many of his peers perished physically and / or mentally due to the lack of support, resources, and  opportunities.

When college didn’t work out for Mr. Gallon, he had a hard time finding support and guidance on what path to take from that point. Eventually, he found his way and has been successfully self-employed for 20+ years. Mr. Gallon is dedicated to bringing the door of opportunity to the youth of WCCC, so they too can teleport themselves out of their current chaos by elevating their mindset and applying the knowledge they learn.

My People Perish for the Lack of Knowledge

Help Our Youth Climb Higher


What People Say About Us

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

"I support D. Ross and Moelogic. He is relentless in helping adults figure out the world, imagine what he will do for children."

"I 100% support him in this movement for the Moelogic Foundation. I feel like he (DeAngelo) can relate to a lot of our youth on many different levels. They're so lost out here and they need the proper guidance and I believe he is the person to do that."
"Our communities thrive when we have people like DeAngelo projecting his good consciousness and his good reasoning onto the youth."